Saturday, June 9, 2007

Weapons of Mass Gay Conversion Therapy?

When I read about this story the first time (thanks Americablog), I thought I would click on a link to a satirical story in The Onion. Not! This is from CBS5 (TV) in Northern California. Have you ever seen the likes of something such as this?
Conservatives love to say that liberals hate America. As a liberal, I have to say that I am more embarassed by our country right now than anything. We pick fights over our 'addict(tion) to oil' (W's words), we hate science because it inconveniences us, and we hate homosexuality (because most overfed bullies do) enough to consider weaponizing it - as if that could even be done. America needs to grow up. It's not even funny anymore. We are losing wars now. And these are the people that WE have allowed to take charge of our military. God Save America.

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