Thursday, June 14, 2007

Loss of a Beloved Spouse

On this day when we celebrate the survival of Marriage Equality for gays and lesbians in Massachusetts, we should also remember those who have suffered the loss of a beloved spouse - even if our philosophies differ.

Billy Graham was my grandma's favorite evangelist before she lost her battle with cancer in 1997. I can remember her talking about his sermons and specials on TV. I never came out to my grandma before she died, although I think she knew about me in her own way. But I always admired her Christianity, and still aspire to achieve certain aspects of it.

Billy Graham has incurred the wrath of some very homophobic and hateful people on the Christian right recently. In the name of Christian civility (I believe) he has deflected attempts by right-wing extremists to call him out on the subject of homosexuality. This man and his family are not cut from the same intolerant cloth of most of our high-profile enemies.

If you are a spiritual person, please keep Reverend Graham and his family in your prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that his wife, Ruth Graham, was his lifeline to the Lord in this world. There is no greater loss than that of your lifetime partner. God Bless Billy Graham.

-For Eleanor Seiferth (Grandma)

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