Sunday, July 15, 2007

Neo-Con Diseased Diatribe Of Death

Peter LaBarbera is a neo-conservative Christian activist, specializing in raising homophobic capital for the neo-con movement at large. One of the hallmarks of neo-conservatism has been to erase any hesitancy in its followers to capitalize on others' pain in their quest for culture domination. Whereas, traditional conservatives will acknowledge the value of dignified debate, neo-cons care nothing about civility, telling the truth, duty to the greater good, or anything else that would limit the extent to which they can go to achieve their goals.

America is developing as sort of 'auto-immune' resistance to this sort of treachery. Evidence of this came during the mid-term elections in November of '06, and more proof is to come in 2008. Any party that embraces the purulent rhetoric of neo-conservatives is to see no successful venture of any kind. It's time for the GOP to wake up and smell the coffin they're in.

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