Monday, July 23, 2007

Bill O'Reilly's Audience

If you're one of those folks who watches Bill O'Reilly for the 'entertainment value' of his spew, just take a look at who you're sitting on the virtual sofa with:

There are people behind these comments. These are the people who make up the 25% of the country that still support George W. Bush, the Iraq occupation, killing undocumented immigrants, destroying San Francisco, and hating gays. They are real, they are a threat to this country's well-being, and should be taken VERY seriously in terms of identifying their objectives and stopping them in their political endeavors.

To Those Who Snicker and Roll Their Eyes:
It is not acceptable or smart to just laugh these people off. You can't just 'ignore them', like some of my friends and family say. When these people get done with Muslims, Mexicans, the City by the Bay, gays, and atheists, YOU, YOUR KIDS AND YOUR GRANDKIDS ARE NEXT. Wake up! Stand up! Speak up! Because, before long, it will be your divorced butt, your Mormon butt, your Jewish butt, your adopted butt, or whatever kind of butt you may have that does not meet their expectations. You may not have the kind of butt they're gunning for right now, but you can bet your sorry one that if you ignore these people, yours is next.

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