Thursday, July 26, 2007

Borrow & Spend Like A Drunken Republican

I'm telling you, something's gonna pop. The Roaring 2000's have seen people overextend themselves on housing, run up huge credit debts and otherwise live beyond their means. This philosophy of "borrow & spend" is not limited to individuals and families. Our country as a whole has done the same thing. Where is all the money (trillions of dollars) for 2 wars coming from?

The Dow and it's related stocks are overvalued. That makes for nice reading when the 401K statement comes in the mail, but eventually imbalances correct themselves. A run on stocks over a weeks time results in this kind of correction:

A decade-long run on credit spending by an entire nation results in a correction similar in type but much larger in size and scope. The Roaring 20's ended in the Great Depression of 1929. How will the Roaring 2000's end?

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