Responding to a video question asking the candidates to clarify their strategies for ending the war in Iraq, Rep. Ron Paul came out swinging in support of immediate withdrawal.
"We went in illegally, and we ought to just come home," Paul charged from the podium to scattered audience cheers.
"We went in illegally, and we ought to just come home," Paul charged from the podium to scattered audience cheers.
Congressman Paul is no liberal. Quite frankly, I wouldn't vote for him due to the fact that he is a right wing libertarian - too far right for my comfort. But he's no chicken hawk either, like most of these other clowns (except for McCain, who served too). What Ron Paul said was absolutely true. And I heard more than "scattered audience cheers." I actually wondered if the Democrats stuffed the audience for the very purpose of cheering Ron Paul's 'get out of Iraq now' approach. It was something.
Mike Huckabee, the former governor of the state in which I currently reside, said something worthwhile about health care. ABC News is down at the moment, so I'll paraphrase. He indicated that all Americans should get the same health care plan as members of Congress. I agree (for the first time) with him. Actually Medicare for all would be better, but the FEP (Federal Employee Program) is something I am familiar with also. I work for the Medicare and FEP contractor for the state of Arkansas. It ain't a bad deal! I was surprised that Huckabee put that out there. I had learned to expect nothing from bankrupt right wing politics from the Huckster.
The GOP needs a good strong dose of the likes of Ron Paul and a shot of Mike Huckabee in order to rejuvenate itself. The sooner the party learns this, all the better for them. And, I must admit, I think it's important that America have a strong, respectable Republican party. Given its clown act of current front runners for the nomination, however, it appears rejuvenation is a long way off.
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