George W. Bush is the ultimate sore loser. He will take anyone he can down with him by vetoing any bill congress passes. This is from USNews.com:
Senior Bush advisers tell the US News Political Bulletin that President Bush's best hope for recovering from his slump in the polls -- and proving he isn't a lame duck -- is to demonstrate that he remains a player on the Washington scene,. "The real problem for Bush now," says a senior administration official, "is that it looks like he doesn't have control over the government." He has endured a series of setbacks recently that suggest he is heading toward irrelevance in Washington -- at least that's the way many mainstream media outlets are portraying his situation. Among setbacks: continuing bad news from Iraq, the defeat of his immigration bill, the continuing harsh criticism of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and this week's contempt citations from the House Judiciary Committee directed at White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former legal counsel Harriet Miers over executive privilege.
White House officials say Bush will emerge from the doldrums as he begins to confront the Democrat-controlled Congress with vetoes of spending bills that he considers excessive. They also expect him to get a lift in the polls for being a strong leader, at least in the view of conservatives, as he continues to block anti-war legislators in Congress from requiring a fast withdrawal from Iraq.
Any supporter of America's armed forces that still supports this president and his 'mission' is worshipping the wrong god. This man is not concerned with any sanctity of life, liberty or anything other than his own historic image. George W. Bush couldn't care less about you or the troops. His reputation is the only thing on his mind.
Senior Bush advisers tell the US News Political Bulletin that President Bush's best hope for recovering from his slump in the polls -- and proving he isn't a lame duck -- is to demonstrate that he remains a player on the Washington scene,. "The real problem for Bush now," says a senior administration official, "is that it looks like he doesn't have control over the government." He has endured a series of setbacks recently that suggest he is heading toward irrelevance in Washington -- at least that's the way many mainstream media outlets are portraying his situation. Among setbacks: continuing bad news from Iraq, the defeat of his immigration bill, the continuing harsh criticism of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and this week's contempt citations from the House Judiciary Committee directed at White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former legal counsel Harriet Miers over executive privilege.
White House officials say Bush will emerge from the doldrums as he begins to confront the Democrat-controlled Congress with vetoes of spending bills that he considers excessive. They also expect him to get a lift in the polls for being a strong leader, at least in the view of conservatives, as he continues to block anti-war legislators in Congress from requiring a fast withdrawal from Iraq.
Any supporter of America's armed forces that still supports this president and his 'mission' is worshipping the wrong god. This man is not concerned with any sanctity of life, liberty or anything other than his own historic image. George W. Bush couldn't care less about you or the troops. His reputation is the only thing on his mind.