Sunday, June 24, 2007
Gay Cities Are More Expensive, But Worth It.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wal-Mart Blinks
While I won't condemn Wal-Mart for blinking in the face of what was probably withering right-wing criticism, I will no longer go out of my way to shop at the constantly overcrowded McCain Blvd. Supercenter. Target happens to be on this side of the freeway, and closer to my house.
High School Yearbooks Defaced by School Faculty
I think the picture is gorgeous - 2 handsome young men (18 and 19) who appear to love each other passionately. How many skanky white trash straight couples have we had to endure seeing tangled up in nasty, lippy embraces throughout the decades? If I were a parent of one of the students at this high school, I would demand an unaltered copy, or else a full refund for the defaced yearbook.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Why Were We Attacked On 9-11?
Our 'addiction to oil' (W's words) has resulted in our greedy manipulation of middle-eastern nations' sovereignty for our own ends. Those ends are directly tied to Big Oil's desire to keep raping everybody they can, including us. And, by extension, we must continue to rape the Middle East.
I am not making excuses for terrorist violence. However, until we own up to our part in the conflict, there will be no victory over those who feel powerless against our monumental greed. They see it as our pillaging of their treasure. We need to use our technological prowess to overcome our addiction to easy, profitable carbon-based energy. This is how we will win the war on terror - not with military brawn, but with brain power.
Am I blaming America? No. Am I saying we can solve the anti-American terrorist problem by examining our own actions and motives? YES! This is not rocket science. But it does require overcoming greed, which is harder to do for some than getting a degree in rocket science.
Open Letter To The Log Cabin Republicans
Dear Mr. Sammon,
I was very pleased to read your Op-Ed in The Blade regarding the role of the GOP in protecting gay marriage rights in Massachusetts. I completely agree with you when you say that victory would not have happened without support from those GOP lawmakers who sided with us at the last minute. I tip my hat to you and the rest of the Log Cabin Republicans for your work behind enemy lines to change hearts and minds regarding GLBT families in America. In fact, a 'tip of the hat' may not be enough, though. For, I could not live with myself if I signed on with the GOP for any of its current causes.
The fact is that the GOP has been co-opted by the worst people in the world: Those who believe that the strong, rich and numerous have eminent control over the lives of the rest of us who are not so well-heeled, endowed, or privileged in any regard. You see, in a world where all things are equal, and disparities don't exist along the color line, and discrimination doesn't exist along the gender line, and peace is more desirable than perpetual conflict, and religion is not a source of pain, the GOP and its current platform would thrive. That world is not yet manifest. And, the GOP is the primary force standing in its way here in America. Until that changes, I cannot sign on.
America is in trouble due to 6-plus years of unchecked, lazy and corrupt far-right wing Republican leadership. Only a strong return stroke from the Left will undo the damage done to our country, constitution and international countenance. This process will likely involve at least 8 years of liberal Democratic rule in the U.S. I will work as hard as I possibly can to see that this antidote is administered. During that process, I suggest you work equally as hard to re-tool the Republican party platform and its goals, making sure that it is better equipped to lead this democratic republic the next time the GOP is electable. I truly want to see the Republican party regain its dignified reputation. But I will do everything I can to defeat it if its goals are not good for all of America.
Larry Seiferth Jr.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Military Make-Believe
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Win Wars
I've said it before. The U.S. military's biggest problem right now is brain-drain. Its leadership is fixated too heavily on brawn and not sufficiently on intelligence. This is a recipe for defeat; vis-a-vis Iraq, Afghanistan.
Open Letter To
Organizations like Exodus are religious authoritarians with a tendency to prescribe 'one size fits all' solutions to their clients. With that in mind, I fully expect groups like this to take advantage of Dr. Bussee's endorsement to advertise and sell this therapy model to the masses of people who seek a 'remedy' for their homosexual attractions.
Thus, this therapy model is equivalent to Catholic Priesthood Redux. We have witnessed the effects of dogma-based suppression of sexual attraction already. The result is unhealthy, sometimes criminal manifestations of those desires.
I believe that Dr. Bussee's endorsement of this therapy model was naive at best. The organizations with which he brokered this compromise have no intention of applying this therapy model on a case-by-case basis. They will instead package and market it as an alternative to Coming Out, and sell it to the political action committees of the religious right for the purpose of defeating gay rights legislation.
I am deeply disappointed in this setback. While Dr. Bussee's heart may have been in the right place, certainly his head was not. These groups are not interested in compromise, but rather the highest bid they can get from James Dobson for their shill.
Larry Seiferth Jr.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Missing Soldier's Wife Getting Kicked Out Of Our Brave, Great Country
Thanks (I think) Americablog.
Couldn't Pass Up A Cute Little Dog Story
Is Texas Threatening The Sanctity Of Marriage?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Ball Back In Bigots' Court in Kentucky And Michigan
It looks like it's your move again, Christian heterosexual elitists. I'm sure you'll have some creative legal devilry to sell to the legislatures in your respective states to try and counter Love's latest antidote to your poison. However, I don't think the people who have bitten into your rotten, mean-spirited agenda in the past will have much of an appetite for it anymore.
Red States Fare Worst In Healthcare, Employment And Education
Monday, June 18, 2007
Compassionate "Compromise"?
I also question any "therapy" developed by married and copulating heterosexuals (ex-gay or otherwise) which is aimed at "helping" gays be celibate. Celibacy is a gift from God - not a lifestyle option that can be adopted by anyone who wishes. I cite the Catholic priesthood as my case-in-point.
The Party (R) Above The Law
Gay hair?
So far I'm batting 0. My hair twists clockwise, I'm right-handed, my index finger is shorter than my ring finger (on both hands), and I have a deep voice - I don't think I have a gay accent, but I wouldn't mind if I did. People (you know the kind I mean) might watch their mouths around me if I was more obviously gay. But I digress. What this article does point to is that there are quite a few variants in the human species that occur at a similar frequency as homosexuality in the population. And, religion has been undignified toward more than one of them: Left handed people were once thought to be "possessed" and in need of re-training to use the right hand.
Ex-Gays Should Not Oppose Equality For Real Gays
Alan Chambers is entitled to his life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I would never stand in his way. However, he is not entitled to superimpose his experience on American public policy at the expense of those of us who have tried his method to no avail. Ex-gays enjoy all of the rights and responsibilities of heterosexual citizens. They have no business telling us that equality, fairness and justice are not necessary for GLBT Americans.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day, For Those Of Us Last In Line
Could it be that the kingdom of Christ is here on Earth? I don't know the book, chapter or verse, but Jesus did say that in His kingdom, "those who are last shall be first, and those who are first shall be last."
As much as I would love to see Heaven, I am still very much interested in seeing the Earth and our world reconciled and ruled by Jesus, the master of compassion and kindness. If gays will not enter the kingdom of God (Heaven), then I hope that I can live on the "new Earth." A new Heaven and a new Earth are mentioned in the Bible. As one who has seen unspeakable injustice done in the name of God here on Earth, I am really excited about the emergence of Christ's "new Earth."
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Right Wingers Kill Dallas Mayoral Candidate's Bid Because He's Gay
Dallas has rejected Ed Oakley for mayor because he's gay - even though his opponent is a white Republican who is said to have been a member of an exclusive all-white country club. I hope for their sake that the minority citizens of Dallas know what they're doing.
On the bright side, the election of an openly gay mayor in a major American city might have scared left-leaning moderates back into the ranks of the neo-cons. Gays had one major victory this week in Massachusetts. Two major gay victories in one week might have invited some backlash from the center. Instead, this defeat might rightly inspire some sympathy, as this guy was clearly character-assassinated by the far right (white and black) at the last minute.
Our System Counters Majority Tyranny
Thanks PageOneQ!
US Military in Need of Brain Power
This is all about growing up. The U.S. will not succeed in its military endeavors until brains equal brawn, and the Brass understands that psychology is as, or more important than tradition.
Congratulations Americablog!!
Americablog was my inspiration for starting my own blog. I wrote to John Aravosis, asking for a chance to blog for Americablog. He recommended that I start my own - the best advice I have gotten in a long time.
These guys are the BOMB. I read Americablog no less than twice a day. It's about time that liberal media found its niche, and the blogosphere is it!
Thank God for Americablog!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Loss of a Beloved Spouse
Billy Graham was my grandma's favorite evangelist before she lost her battle with cancer in 1997. I can remember her talking about his sermons and specials on TV. I never came out to my grandma before she died, although I think she knew about me in her own way. But I always admired her Christianity, and still aspire to achieve certain aspects of it.
Billy Graham has incurred the wrath of some very homophobic and hateful people on the Christian right recently. In the name of Christian civility (I believe) he has deflected attempts by right-wing extremists to call him out on the subject of homosexuality. This man and his family are not cut from the same intolerant cloth of most of our high-profile enemies.
If you are a spiritual person, please keep Reverend Graham and his family in your prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that his wife, Ruth Graham, was his lifeline to the Lord in this world. There is no greater loss than that of your lifetime partner. God Bless Billy Graham.
-For Eleanor Seiferth (Grandma)
Civil Marriage Equality: The bar is set.
Hope springs eternal! There was a time when I thought I would never see marriage equality in my lifetime, and the best I could hope for was 'civil union' legislation in agreeable states. What a wonderful God we have! Through Jesus' death and resurrection, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Americans are now permitted to partake in the joy of temporal life on Earth, as well as eternal life with the Lord in Heaven or on the 'New Earth.' Praise Him!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Understanding God's Enemy
Jesus undid the power of sin and death. PERIOD. Anyone who suggests that you can contribute to or augment Jesus' act of pure grace is the enemy of Christ and God, himself.
18 And Life To Go
You can bet that someone with the 'ex-gay' ministries will offer their dubious services (possibly along with some cash - the kid would make a most excellent poster child). And, if he's a typical Republican, money and influence within the party are strong aphrodisiacs. Tyler Whitney, you are now faced with the decision of your life: Emerge into the light of truth and reality, or retreat into the murky (albeit well-paying) world of Republican loathing and denial.
Thanks Americablog! Credit for the article goes to Dan Savage.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Texas Meets Vatican,,2-10-1462_2127232,00.html
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Here Comes Summer!

"Let He Who Is Without Sin..."
At least the Romanian police and government can discern the bad guys from citizens expressing their right to free speech. That's more than I can say for Russia, where gay parade organizers were recently convicted of staging an "illegal" event.
They're calling this a 'gay rights parade'. That's smart, because in backward countries under the influence of fundamentalist religion, pride can be viewed as contemtable. American fundamentalists have tried to decry gay 'pride' in a similar fashion, but the fact is that there are all kinds of pride festivals (Irish, immigrant, Hispanic, etc.), so they'd be condemning those groups by extension.
Still, Eastern Europe is sadly behind the times, and still largely controlled by dominionist religious forces: Islam and Catholicism.
Sunday Morning Doggie
The creatures of the night have all gone to bed. I actually saw a couple of very lovely slugs, slithering their way across the flagstone last night. The crushed pretzels I put out last night are all gone this morning. :)
The creatures of the day are now awake. I'm happy to be acquainted with all of them - night and day! Have a great Sunday, and God Bless.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Beauty is in the Eye of the Creator
I can't be too sanctimonious, because there are also creatures I don't like very much. Mosquito's, for example, are not welcome in my house. If I hear that high-pitched buzz next to my ear while lying in bed, I will seek out the responsible creature and kill it to prevent it from biting me while I sleep. Respctively, I would also vanquish a vicious dog from my house if I thought it would harm me in the middle of the night.
Beauty, thus, is in the eye of the CREATOR. We may not see God's plan for such creatures, and we may even seek to anhialate them from our presence. But how do we affect God's plan for them when we do? And, if they pose no physical threat to us, how do we justify exterminating them without cause? As a gay man, I find a lot of comfort in knowing that God created cockroaches. Moreover, I find even greater comfort in knowing that they have survived the eons, while other species have not. Food for thought.
I'm going to go out back and throw some crushed pretzels on the back deck for the cockroaches that come out at night. But, for the grace of God, there go I.
Weapons of Mass Gay Conversion Therapy?
Conservatives love to say that liberals hate America. As a liberal, I have to say that I am more embarassed by our country right now than anything. We pick fights over our 'addict(tion) to oil' (W's words), we hate science because it inconveniences us, and we hate homosexuality (because most overfed bullies do) enough to consider weaponizing it - as if that could even be done. America needs to grow up. It's not even funny anymore. We are losing wars now. And these are the people that WE have allowed to take charge of our military. God Save America.